Sunday, 1 July 2012

Etsy Purchase!

I've always looked on the Etsy website, and after getting paid on Friday I decided to finally buy something from it. I've been really loving leather bracelets at the minute so I had a search around and found a seller who sells super cute ones for really cheap! My sister and I both ordered the same one, and then I ordered another one for myself.

Click here to go her Etsy page!

Once I receive my items I'll let you all know what they're like and show you a photograph or two of them. If I like them I'll definitely be buying more as she has some other lovely things available on her page. If you like The Hunger Games and Harry Potter she also has some inspired jewellery which is very cute.


  1. Those are lovely! Etsy is always so damn tempting lol!

    1. So cute! It has so many nice things on it. These bracelets were only £11 inc postage though so they were so cheap!

  2. aww very cute i want them
    very nice blog im following you follow back please
    ♥ SadeeStyle ♥


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